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Wales Fraud Forum

The Wales Fraud Forum (WFF) is a not-for-profit company which aims to help prevent fraud in Wales by raising awareness in the public and private sector and amongst individuals.


Here are some of the WFF’s key objectives:


  • To bring the public and private sectors together to fight fraud and financial crime and to protect the economy of Wales

  • To create good practice cultures by encouraging and developing anti-fraud strategies for its membership to utilise.

  • To encourage recruitment of new members throughout the country.

  • To establish sound working relationships with similar forums in the UK and overseas and develop fraud prevention strategies for Wales, in line with the UK's national fraud prevention strategies.

  • To formulate strategic alliances by collaboration with relative consumer, law enforcement, regulatory and charitable bodies.

  • To organise conferences, seminars or master classes on subjects relating to its objects in the fight against fraudulent actions.

For further WFF information, news and events, please visit

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