Defend against the latest online crime threats through our business memberships. The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales partnership with local Police Forces, Universities, our Advisory Group, Cyber Expert Group and wider business network means our memberships offer the very best guidance and support for businesses of any size.
Let's start your journey to becoming cyber resilient.
Core Membership
NCSC Guidance - How organisations can protect themselves in cyberspace, including the 10 steps to cyber security from the Government NCSC division.
NCSCs Exercise In A Box – a tool to give your organisation a ‘dummy’ run of a cyber attack. Similar to testing your fire drill. Tailored for different sized organisations.
NCSC Board Toolkit - Resources designed to encourage essential cyber security discussions between the Board and their technical experts.
E-news – regular digestible updates relevant to Welsh organisations about cyber resilience.
Bolt on Service Options
Below are our service add-ons that you can include in your bespoke membership package.
Closed half day staff awareness session at your site (up to 30 people)
Regional quarterly briefing on current threats by Policing
Cyber Health Kick - a health questionnaire and recommendations to help develop resilience in your organisation.
Feature in e-news
Annual reception invitation
10% discount on all cyber services we offer